Cool Birthday Celebration Ideas to Inspire you


If that special person in your life is soon to be enjoying a birthday and you are planning to create an event, you have come to the right place, as we explore a few cool and unusual ways to celebrate a birthday.

  • Dinner at her favourite restaurant – This is one idea that is as safe as houses; make a secret booking and tell no one of your plans; just make sure that she is free and you can order fresh flowers in Sydney to be delivered to the restaurant. If you want to be really romantic, hire a musical trio and drink chilled champagne while serenading her.
  • A hot air balloon trip – There are several hot air balloon operators in Sydney and you can choose a scenic trip near the Blue Mountains; remember to take your camera for some amazing shots! Early mornings are the best time to go up in a hot air balloon and subject to the weather, your start time could be as early as 8am!
  • Summer picnic – What better way to celebrate a birthday than taking the lucky person on a nature picnic? Order a chic hamper basket online and get ready for an amazing experience, as you and your partner escape the rat race, if only for a few hours. If you are in debt and are worried about your home being repossessed, click here.
  • Evening dinner on Sydney Harbour – There are some stunning yachts that you can hire for the evening; why not make it a big surprise and see her face when she realises what is going on? You can invite some of her best friends and turn it into a party; you can dance the night away with Sydney Harbour as a backdrop.
  • Whale-watching trip – If she is a nature lover, perhaps she would like to get a close-up look at these majestic creatures; there are whale-watching boats that leave Sydney Harbour on a daily basis, make sure you both dress suitably, as the ocean can be a bit rough.
  • Book seats at Sydney Opera House – There are many performances at this iconic Sydney attraction and if she isn’t much into opera, there are some cool bands and even plays that are performed. Check online for more detailed information about the performances at Sydney Opera House.
  • Arrange a day at a premium golf course – If she plays golf, then choose a day and book a round for both of you; a leisurely drive to the course can be followed by a fantastic champagne lunch and finally, 18 holes of golf. You could even include an hour in the driving nets with a golf pro, which she would love.

We all love surprises and a birthday is the perfect occasion to secretly arrange a magic experience; get creative and create a birthday that she will never forget.